In the beginning Silver fever Parana Iguazu Buenos Aries Andes 4,200 Metres Humahuaca Rio De Janeiro Samba Uruguay Montevideo Chile Valpraso Santiago Different views Curanipe Curanipe village Chile beachs Trupane Volcano Antuco Los Angeles Belgrano

Monday we prepare for Chile and did some more shopping.

Tuesday we flew to Chile arriving 2 hours late. This was extremely frustrating as the flight it self was only two hours long and we had relatives of Varinia waiting for us at the Santiago Airport. Flying over the Andes was great we could see the Andes very clearly. It was interesting that on the Chile side the Andes had snow on them but at the same hight on the Argentina side there was no snow.

On arrival we were met by Varinia’s Aunty and Cousin and taken to where we were to stay. We were made very welcome and there we met Tita our guide and driver. Through Varinia we had arranged the accommodation, guide and transport.

This was a wonderful opportunity to see how others live and to have a intimate experience of Santiago. Tita was a fantastic guide who’s sense of humour was unbounded and this girl just wanted to have fun and we all know that girls who want to have fun are dangerous.

The night we arrived at Santiago Tita took us on a quick trip around town to show us the main centre of this city of (I can’t remember) 5 or 7 million people. Then back to Aunty Terresa’s house to be given the once over and interrogated by all the relatives. So after a while of, them not speaking English and us not speaking Spanish we used Tita as a interpreter but we later learned that she was not to be trusted!!!! As Tita’s sense of humour one of her endearing features was dangerous, little did we know she was telling the rellies that we said “That they looked ugly” and other derogatory things. It took a while for everyone to work out she was having everyone on!!!!!

First place to check out was this house where the dictator Pinochet who replaced Allende resides. To see this house we had to pass Police and Security Guards but the intrepid Tita was not intimidated by these security measures.  

Next place was the home of Allende his confrontational  socialist policies made him victim of and the C.I.A. and he was replaced by Pinochet. This house was surrounded in high walls and was not visible from the road so once again the master guide Tita approached the Guard on the gate and talked him into allowing us to go inside the grounds and take this photograph. This was done at real risk to his job.  

Well our amazing guide then took us to this next place. A serious slum this is the homes of the homeless. Built from any materials that can be found. Here we were in a car taking photographs, not a place to hang around.  

Our presences was causing some interest by the inhabitants.

Next day Tita took us to Valparaiso population 270.000. I had been looking forward to this as Grandfather had a picture of a sailing ship in the bay and he had always wanted to see the place.

But first it was to Vina Del Mar population 299.000, a beach resort and busy town. Its main attraction is the many parks and gardens.Some streets were lined with trees.

The golden sands of the beach are great for sunbathing but we could see the undertow in the sea and we were warned that it is not a good place to swim.

Here we are with the casino in the background.

We walked the beach area and a canal taking in the sights. We had a warning that petty thieves worked this area but found no problems with parking our car or with pickpockets. 

Rhondda and Tita alongside the canal. The design on the footpath is the same as in Rio and represents the colours of the different races that make up the population. We thought it was a good idea.

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