In the beginning Silver fever Parana Iguazu Buenos Aries Andes 4,200 Metres Humahuaca Rio De Janeiro Samba Uruguay Montevideo Chile Valpraso Santiago Different views Curanipe Curanipe village Chile beachs Trupane Volcano Antuco Los Angeles Belgrano

Rhondda fell in love with the Cartinero’s horse.

Prior to taking this photograph the Cartinero had been inside a rubbish dumpster rummaging through the rubbish looking for stuff that he could use or sell. We did not photograph him inside the dumpster as we felt it was not appropriate.

Uruguay was once a very rich country but when Argentina went broke it effected Uruguay also. Most of the buildings were build at a time when the country was rich.  

The contrast of old and new are reflected in the buildings.


The main City Avenue leading to the parliament.

Another sculpture in one of the Plaza’s in the City. It is a very beautiful city and very clean.

Another Cartinero and his horse and cart.

Sunday and we headed back to Buenos Aires by bus and boat arriving at about 10.00 pm.

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