26 August Ngorongoro Crater


Last day on the road, in to Nairobi, what a huge traffic jam, Nicko said they call it Nairobbery he even hade his dip stick taken and had to chase the guy down the road to get it back, he said they steal everything, they have to  padlock everything to the trucks before we went in there, got dropped off at the hotel and told not to go out, catch the cab to the airport that had recently been burnt there were tents everywhere for the outward going passengers what a shambles, they reckoned the firemen were not putting the fire out but stealing all the stuff do not know how true it is but the vibes in the town are not great and we were happy to leave it. Were told not to take any photos in the town as there had been 2 bombings and all the cameras would be confiscated, were happy to oblige for once.










This interlude with these 2 lions was hilarious, the male had been mating for 6 days and was exhausted, the lioness still was interested and was doing her best to get him to continue but he just could not perform, he got up and walked around in a couple of circles then flopped down again






Poor old chap was just too much for him



She is still interested.








No sorry, can not do/